Monday, September 13, 2010

We did the Puyallup- Part 1

We went to opening day of the Puyallup Fair on Friday with our friend Jen Cruze. We went last year but were a little late and missed most of the opening parade. This year we made it on time. Alexis did not like waiting for the parade to start.
Once it started, though, she loved every minute!
Alexis & Sammi LOVE Sponge Bob-
Alexis kept asking if we would see princesses at the fair and Mommy kept saying "no, princesses live at Disneyland." But look who we ran into at the parade- Belle & Cinderella!!! This was Alexis' favorite part of the whole day.
Her second favorite part was the pony rides. She loved this last year too, and this year Sammi was able to ride.

Another highlight of the day was this giant bull. The rodeo was at the fair, so they had a bull on display.
Alexis wanted to pet it. She's bull riding fan.
We spent the day looking at animals (mostly horses), walking around and cheering for the kids Mutton Bustin. On our way out, we stopped at a photo booth and all 4 of us squeezed inside.
We'll be going back at least one more time with Daddy and the Lewises, so stay tuned for more fair photos.

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