Monday, September 13, 2010

Dare Devils

After we got home from the fair on Friday, we loaded up and headed to Eastern Washington to go camping. We didn't get there until late so the real fun did not happen until Saturday morning. We met up with some of Daddy's friends (including our friends Kaitlynn & Siah) to do some quad riding.

First, we just sat on them...
Sammi drinking her morning milk-
Alexis & Siah sitting on his very own bike-

And then the riding started...

First, Siah gave Alexis a little ride to show her how it's done-

Next, Alexis gave it a try. Daddy held onto the leash, so he could stop it if she got out of control.

Then, a couple hours later she was off riding by herself (with us supervising). She was a fast learner! The only time she would get off without too much of a struggle was when it was Siah's turn to ride. She loved it!

All geared up-
Even the Mommies got to go riding! Quite a surprise that the Daddies let them loose with their brand new quads!
Since the little girls didn't get to go out, they hung at camp and had some yummy chips.
Siah took Sammi for a little ride. What a nice guy. Hang on Sammi!
When they weren't on quads, the kids thought it was a lot of fun to play on the trailer. Not really sure why but it kept them entertained. One last ride with the Daddies before packing up and heading home.
Siah & Josiah-
Alexis & Kris-
Alexis was quite the Dare Devil! She keeps asking Daddy for a bike of her own. We'll see- she has no fear so it may not be the best idea. But then again maybe she'll be grow up to be a professional quad racer.

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