Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer Update Part 2

Happy Birthday Daddy! You would have thought Daddy hit a big milestone this year- he got 3 birthday parties (not including going out with his friends on his actual birthday). That's way more than the girls got! The first party was also for Papa Scott & Auntie Cara.

Alexis & Zoey driving the power wheels-
Sam holding on for her life-
Thank goodness these girls won't be getting their licences for a few more years! They are both holding onto the roll bar- no one's steering- yikes!

Daddy taking a whack at the Dora pinata-Papa's present was a new pig. Alexis was very afraid of his last pig but she really seemed to like this one- Anabelle #???.Daddy opening presents at home on his actual birthday- he looks kind of grumpy but he was really excited about his Nerf basketball hoop Alexis and Sam picked out for him.
Late July & August is a popular time for birthdays in our family! We had a party for Grandma Jeannette, Uncle Bryan, Cousin Bonnie & Daddy of course. This picture of the cake is the only one worth posting, though (mommy's camera is having some problems- if you haven't already noticed- and most of the pictures she takes come out blurry).
Another August birthday bash at Cannon Beach- Happy Birthday Auntie Stacy, Scott, Daddy & Sam. (More to come from Sam's 1st birthday & our annual Cannon Beach trip)
Kenny Chesney: This did not involve Sam & Alexis but since Mommy is also a Jolley girl we decided it's OK to include. Kenny Chesney is a favorite of ours, so we went to the concert this year. The show was great! There were so many performers & we had good seats for a great deal.
Daddy & Auntie Michelle-
Jen Cruze, Mommy & Michelle-
Grandma Kris & Lori-
The best part of Kenny Chesney coming to town, though, was not the concert but the sound check/video shoot the night before the big show. Thanks to Grandpa Bob, Grandma & Mommy got to go. No pictures were allowed during the show since they were filming for a concert video but I think I'll remember this one for a long time. We were right up by the stage & after Kenny was done singing, I got his autograph! It was the last he signed for the night. It was really exciting!

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