Friday, August 28, 2009

Summer Update Part 1

It has been way too long since our blog was updated & we have been getting many requests to get some new stuff on here we go. We were so busy in July & August!

Idylwood Park: In July, we went to play at Idylwood Park with Anissa & Brendan. This park is right by where Mommy grew up but they didn't have the cool play structure back then. New tricks: By July, Sam was able to pull herself up and standing. Not long after, she started to cruise the furniture. She couldn't walk, but that didn't stop her from climbing. It didn't help that her big sister was showing how to do some dare-devil moves.
One of her favorite things to do- hang out in the drawer.
Swim lessons- session #2: It was hard to tell if the teachers were excited or disappointed to see us on the first day of swim lessons. They looked at each other & asked "is Alexis in our class?" Swim lessons were much better this time. Alexis got in the water everyday without crying and did a much better job of waiting her turn. There were a few scary moments when she decided to go swimming (sinking) by herself but overall a huge improvement from the first session.
Here she is on the diving board- no fear! Well, a little bit of fear after this jump- she belly-flopped. The next week when it was time to go off the diving board, she had the teacher help her. It's hard to see but this is a picture of her red tummy after belly-flopping.
Jen came to watch swim lessons.
Who's that girl sitting on the stairs, waiting her turn?!?
Showing off her candy & report card (but you can't see either because she wouldn't hold still long enough for a picture- she was pretty excited- they are the green blur on the left)
Painting the house: Mommy & Daddy started painting the house (finally) at the end of July. The new greenish color looks great. Just need to find a weekend to finish it.

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