Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Samantha's firsts & Alexis learns

This last week Samantha had two firsts. She bounced in her bouncer for the first time. I thought she would be too young still but she caught right on to pushing against the ground and reaching for the toys. Then on Sunday she rolled over! She rolled from her front to her back. She has not done it again but she sure tries hard. I did not catch a picture of the roll but here's a picture of her trying and a picture of her playing in her bouncer.

Alexis has been playing with her new leap frog learning table a lot but today she figured out how to get it to play the "ABC" song. She played it over and over. Here's a video of her way cool dance moves!

Most of the time we think Alexis is getting pretty smart. She's learning new words everyday. Here is a video proving us wrong. Lasers aren't just entertainment for cats- they are good for toddlers too! (We're such mean parents)

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