Sunday, May 30, 2010


Last weekend, we went on our annual camping trip to Sun Lakes State Park with Papa Bob and his friends. We had fun hanging around camp, going for walks and bike rides but the highlight was definitely fishing! Saturday, we all went fishing on Papa's boat.

Here we are looking for the perfect spot to drop the poles-
Guess who was the first to catch a fish! Alexis with her pink Barbie pole! If you remember, she caught a fish out of the trout "pond" when we went to the pumpkin patch last year but this is her first real catch.

On our way home, we stopped in Easton to get lunch and fish some more. We took our lunch to the ponds there and did some fishing. The Barbie pole out-fished the others yet again.

Uncle Jeff, Sammi and Daddy-
Sammi took a couple turns with the pole-
Sammi's first catch (Daddy did most of the work though)-

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