Saturday, April 24, 2010

Alexis' big reward

A while ago Alexis started asking if she could get her ears pierced. At first Mommy was super excited about this and almost got it done the first day that she asked, but then Mommy realized what a big deal it is to get your ears pierced and instead made a deal with Lex. Alexis has been helping Mommy everyday, mostly helping with Sammi (she's really good at that), feeding her fish, and helping clean up messes (not as good at that). Every time she did something helpful she'd say, "Mommy I'm helpin' you. Now I get my ears pierced." Anyway, we decided yesterday would be the big day. We went in the evening because we knew that there would be 2 ladies on duty at that time.
First, the lady cleaned Alexis' ears and marked purple dots where the piercings would go.
Then, when it was time to do the piercing Alexis decided to sit on Mommy's lap (so no pictures of that part). The lady got everything set up and we thought she would get the other worker when it was time so they could pierce both ears at once. Before we knew it, one ear was pierced. Mommy got worried Lex wouldn't want to do the other ear but she just said "owe" and turned her head to let the lady do the other ear.
What a big girl! Alexis picked out pretty blue gems- the September birthstone (whatever that is)
Mommy is so proud of how brave she was!

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