Saturday, June 20, 2009

New day, same fun game

Back when we started the Jolley Girl's blog, we posted a video of Alexis chasing a laser on the ground in a fun (but mean) game we were playing with her. We decided to see what Sam did with the red dot. Sadly, 10 month old Sam is not interested & seems to figure out quickly where it is coming from while 2 1/2 year old Alexis tries to find the laser under the couch. Alexis does know where the laser comes from but doesn't seem to understand that she can't get it.

Elise & Josh get married

For those of you keeping track, this is Sam's 3rd trip to California since March. What a lucky lady! It helps that infants fly free. Alexis missed out on the wedding. She stayed home with Grandpa Bob and Michelle.

Mr & Mrs Hinkey-
Mr & Mrs Jolley (& Sam of course)-
Daddy showing Erin how to Irish dance. Or was it the other way around?!?
Mommy & her SCU friends-
The day after the wedding Elise & Josh hosted a pool party. Sam loved swimming.
Her she is with Daddy-
Sam demonstrating her side-legged scoot. She doesn't crawl, just scoots-

Look what Sam can do now

Sam has figured out how to pull her self up and stand. Every morning this is how we find her, just waiting to get out of bed. Before we know it, she'll be walking!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"A" for Alexis...

stuck to Sam's head.
One of Sam's "A" shaped snacks missed her mouth & got stuck to her head.

Going to the beach

We have gone to the beach a couple of times lately. First, we met up with our friend Jack at Matthews beach (Jack Attack fans, you've already seen some highlights from our trip to the beach but here are a couple more).

Stopping for a snack. Jack & Alexis munched on crackers while Sam decided to try out the sand.
Sam's first time on a swing. I think she liked it!

Here we are at Redondo. We checked out the play toy first before heading to the water.

Alexis studying some sea life.

Sunny days equal...

...some funny moments with Alexis.
After a weekend full of sun (and sunblock sprayed onto her scalp) and no bath. Do you see the crazy hair?
Alexis lost her sunglasses and one day when we were in the car I heard her behind me saying "sun eyes, sun eyes." Next thing I knew she was quiet, using her headband to shield her eyes from the sun. Thankfully, we were stopped at a red light so I was able to snap a quick pic.
First Slurpee experience. I got one for us to share on one of the close to 90 degree days we had. Good thing I only got a small one because she downed the whole thing. She liked showing off her red lips.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Papa's boat

Alexis loves boating- not on our boat, though, only on Grandpa's. Alexis & Sam are much better at driving the boat than Papa (sorry!!)

Trips to the zoo

Trip #1- We took our friend's the Lewis family for our first trip to the zoo with our new zoo membership. It was pretty fun. Very interesting what the 2-year-olds found exciting. Siah seemed to like the squirrels & Alexis thought it was pretty exciting when Siah got pooped on by a bird.

The babies weren't too sure what to think of the goats.

Trip #2- We took Anissa & Brendan to the zoo with us. It was pretty exciting to take Brendan- it was his first time at the zoo...ever!
Alexis loved the snakes- mommy did not!